Check out IJM President and Founder Gary Haugen’s TED talk on the hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now.
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Six Spanish words that changed my faith
- 25 July 2016
It's hard to explain how learning Spanish has amplified and enriched my understanding of God and the Bible.
But I'll try.
In this post I'll teach you six Spanish words to show you what you're missing by only reading the Bible in English.
My love-hate relationship with reality TV and the concept of marriage
- 15 February 2017
Commercial TV is an evil genius. I don’t watch much of it these days, but somehow I got suckered into Married At First Sight. It’s just, y’know, I’m making dinner and my housemate likes to unwind in front of the box. So there I am, innocently frying my fish when she begins hooting with laughter. So I get drawn away from the stove (I am a walking fire hazard) and find it’s that show the boys were talking about the other day. The one I made fun of them about.
When they refer to the battle for the watercooler, this is exactly what they’re on about. Commercial TV has perfected the art of balancing the ridiculous and the relatable, the beautiful and the ugly, attraction and revulsion, to create programs like this. Shows you love to hate on and hate yourself for loving. Shows you can’t help but talk about.
Like I’m doing right now, on the night of Valentine’s Day, incidentally.
I Heart Spanish
- 19 July 2016
Stumbled upon this short video and thought I would share it as an appetiser to a post I'm currently working on, about the Spanish language.
It's just famous people saying their favourite Spanish word but it made me disproportionately happy :)
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