I’m a KL-born, Canberra-raised, Sydney-based millennial who spent formative years in Latin America and Spain. I write about identity, (expat and post-expat) life, faith, culture and the deeper questions embedded in everyday moments and things.
As of 2025, I’m publishing on Substack (subscribe below!) but my online writing journey began here. This is now the archive for all of my posts from 2011-24.
When I relocated to Ecuador and later to Bolivia in my twenties, I used this blog as a way to share my journey with family and friends. Never a travel blog, this was for several years an expat blog. My writing is more about the traveller than the travel; it’s about the travelling my mind and soul have done, both abroad and at “home”.
Topics range from my time abroad, to relationships, books and my work in the nonprofit sector. Generally I post monthly and occasionally I’ll get two posts out in a month. Subscribe to my Substack.
You can also connect with me on Instagram and LinkedIn.
The best of this blog
Here’s a taste of how I write, and what I write about:
Articles published elsewhere
- ‘The Dark Theme in “Beauty and the Beast” That Shouldn’t Be Ignored’, Relevant Magazine
- ‘Take Your Tea in a Shot Glass Filled With Booze’, Roads & Kingdoms
- ‘Oriental in the Andes’, She’s Wanderful
- ‘Don’t water it down, Colin Buchanan urges in anti-slavery song’, Eternity News
We shall not cease from exploration
T.S. Eliot, “Little Gidding,” Four Quartets
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Hello Suansita! I’ve decided to read and follow 15 interesting and new blogs a day every day for the first month of 2015, and yours is today’s #1! Feel free to come visit me when you can at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com, and follow if you like what you read. Happy new year and happy blogging!
Thanks for stopping by, Jacob!
PS: Totally agree with you about honey outrage and enjoyed your list of things you suck at – I’m gonna steal that one for a (hopefully not too distant) future blog post.
Thanks! Don’t forget to link me 🙂