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One year at RACS!

Today is my first job anniversary at Refugee Advice & Casework Service (RACS). Funnily enough, I started in…
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Under (or over) the influence

The difference between a celebrity and an influencer I’m not sure when we stopped using the word celebrity…
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Dressember reflections

After Movember came Dressember, and suddenly it’s January 2018 and I’m in a pair of shorts. I won’t…
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The seed to lead: reflections of a beta girl

I've always thought of myself as a beta kinda gal. Even as a child, it was mostly my younger sister who spearheaded our games and playing. I was 26 the first time anybody told me I had demonstrated leadership.
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Making fashion ethical, and ethics fashionable

The 2017 Ethical Fashion Report is out today. I had the great privilege and pleasure of being part of Baptist World Aid's research team. Read the report ... and read some of my reflections, about what I've learned and why ethics in fashion matters.
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Re-entering the darkness

I wasn’t procrastinating – I actually wasn’t planning on ever reading the book. It was going to be one for the mantelpiece, to adorn the bookshelf. After all, I spent a year working for the organisation founded by the author, so I didn’t just know the content – I was living right amongst it. It was a surprise, then, how much the opening chapters of The Locust Effect moved me. Two months back on board with International Justice Mission (IJM), now in Australia, and we’ve talked on a number of occasions about vicarious trauma. I’ve shared with my colleagues some of what I went through that year in Bolivia. They’ve shared about how advocating against cybersex trafficking has had a toxic personal effect on them.
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The cynical optimist

I’ve always been a cynic. From the time I was in primary school hearing about French nuclear testing in the Pacific, Aung San Suu Kyi being put under house arrest and the Monica Lewinsky scandal, I didn’t have much faith in people. Strangely enough, this dark view of the world eventually led me to Jesus, my hope. So now I am this walking paradox, being both a cynic and an optimist. Two weeks ago, I blogged about democracy and the need for greater participation. On Monday, a bunch of us put that into practice by meeting with over a hundred senators and members of parliament in one day.
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Crazy Baptist Girl

Apparently among some of my classmates, I had a reputation as the Crazy Baptist Girl at school. After…
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Revised thoughts on unemployment

Unemployment was a humbling but strengthening experience. It was definitely character-building. With hindsight, I can see that it…
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The worst thing about unemployment

Now that I'm more than a month into my current unemployment, I’m starting to find it all a bit overwhelming. But not for the reasons you might think. It’s 10am on a weekday and I’m sitting in a café, sipping my on-the-whole-pretty-decent large flat white, writing this. It’s not a bad life, really.
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Something about Mary

Apparently Margaret Thatcher was my hero. When I was in Year 6, each kid in our class had to nominate a female role model and I chose the Iron Lady. I don't know why I didn't pick Aung San Suu Kyi. Way cooler. And I mean, I'm possibly part-Burmese. Maybe. Meanwhile, Alex - the boy I had a crush on - chose English nurse Florence Nightingale. My heart fluttered and sighed. This guy is beautiful and deep! He chose a compassionate, determined, God-fearing woman. I chose a conservative politician (in)famous for being a hard-ass. To this day, I think Alex had the right idea. And I'm starting to think I need to have better taste in women.
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Next stop: Sydney

Tomorrow will be my first day in Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, paid employment in Sydney. There is…

Mission made possible

In honour of IJM Bolivia’s incredible month of July (4 convictions, a long-awaited arrest, 60 therapies completed, churches…
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An attempt at solitude

How do you like the idea of spending an entire workday alone to chill, pray, meditate, read, and…
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I. It was perfect in a bittersweet way The overcast day The fresh flowers The waiting The shades of black and grey The Padre Nuestro The father’s chanting II. They ushered him through a maze of flagstones well-polished by the varnish of water and the heavy footsteps of generations of mourners. For fifty pesos a stranger sang as we showered him with rose petals and rain. Amidst her wailing and her brothers’ silent despair and the cement mixed and laid thick to immortalise him, the sky stops crying and its blue eyes blink and I, for a moment, stare into eternity, into sorrow, into loss, into hope. Avenues upon avenues of memories in this city of the departed; yards and yards of carnations doing their best to defy time - but who can resist? Grief made her embrace linger, made us angels without wings, and stranded on earth, but angels nonetheless. III. Another Padre Nuestro Another sigh Another moment without him The first of too many.

Coincidence vs Providence

I have a friend who used to say that there's no such thing as luck, only statistics. It's all just a matter of chance and probability. What we're really saying when we say something that happened was bad luck is that the improbable (but not impossible) negative outcome happened. What we're really saying when we wish someone good luck is that we hope probabilities work in their favour. Then there are those moments when you really see how the stars have aligned. Yes, it's still probability at play - but I don't believe statistics preclude God's involvement; indeed I believe God can work with probabilities and against them. B, one of our clients, was diagnosed with cancer and given a 60-70% of responding to treatment and a 40% chance overall of recovering. Hospital A doesn't generally provide chemotherapy. They were going to send B home to free up a bed, and put her on the three-month waiting list at another hospital. It's Monday.

IJM Interns/Fellows: Top Ten Moments From 2014

Reproduced from the IJM Newsroom/Blog: WASHINGTON, DC, December 31, 2014 IJM teams around the world are celebrating the end of…

Today I went to jail

The concrete walls soar straight up towards the sunny sky. It’s just like a fortress should be – a…

“Effectivisation”: A post about the law (and reforming it)

Bolivia is currently reforming its justice system. On October 31, the Bolivian Parliament passed a new piece of legislation, called the Law for the Decongestion and Effectivisation of the Criminal Procedure System. In case you were wondering, it's Ley de Decongestionamiento y Efectivización del Sistema Procesal Penal in Spanish - and "efectivización" isn't a real word in Spanish either, hence the weird translation. Process is at the heart of justice - as important as a just result is a just procedure to arrive at that result. I'll confess I've forgotten a lot of what they taught me at law school, but this particular principal of justice has stuck with me. Working at IJM Bolivia, I am struck anew by how much of a paradox this often is.
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Dry and cold in La Paz

Seca y fría. Dry and cold. No, I’m not describing La Paz (though I could be). I’m describing…

Meeting La Paz

Apparently I’m now living in one of the 14 finalists for the Seven New Wonder Cities of the…

Bryan Adams v Joe Hockey

What can I say, I’ve always had impeccable music taste. But no, seriously – I haven’t posted this…

Bring on Bolivia!

I always knew, leaving Ecuador last year, that my time back in Australia would be an “in-between” thing,…
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A novel metaphor for life

I am writing a novel. That is, I have been writing a novel for the last fourteen years.…

On passion

This week I dipped once again into the scary whirlpool that is the job market. God’s blessed me…