First day back at work. It’s cold and not a bit dreary in La Paz. I haven’t had coffee. Three mugs of tea can’t wake me up. Ten-minute siesta on my desk isn’t doing it for me. Streaming Bon Iver and feeling sad.

Did I like my job before the holidays? I’m sure I did – but today I’m sure not feeling it.

I’m not supposed to log on to Facebook – but I do. Because it’s 3.30pm (still within business hours, even in siesta-loving countries) I head straight to the IJM page. This still counts as work, right?

Posts about slavery. It’s Anti-Human Trafficking Month. Bon Iver doesn’t need any help making me sad, but thanks anyway, IJM.

Then this:


I’m not one for resolutions, it’s kinda lame. Why wait till January 1 to do what you should do now?

That’s my reasoning. But this post flipped a switch in me. Reminded me of why I’m here, reminded me that it’s right for me to be here in Bolivia – and not in Australia, or Chile or Ecuador or anywhere else on the planet.

“Change the world” is as cliched a phrase as “New Year’s Resolution”. It makes me think of hippies, of Latino protest songwriters, of my days with other passionate, motivated students at the Oaktree Foundation.

Changing the world is not lofty, youthful idealism. It’s about all the little things that make the big things, the revolutions, happen.

Changing the world is not a waste of time. A follower of Jesus who doesn’t change the world is wasting their time.

Changing the world is what I’m committed to doing – not only this year, not only last year or next year, but every year. You can hold me to it.


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