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I know everybody is saying Good riddance! to 2020 but for all the chaos, I like to think…
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Meeting your future friend

When we meet someone for the first time, how often does it occur to us that they may become a significant part of our lives? What would change if we approached first meetings this way?
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How tacos can change your life

I’m not really sure why World Taco Day is a thing. It’s probably just a marketing device to…
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Going for glocal

The other day my dad kindly informed me that if I ever stood for politics I’d need to…
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Seeya, Sydney

You cried the day I left. Well, I like to think grey skies and rain spattered across the…
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What feels like home

4,000m above sea level and 400,000m from the closest shore of the Pacific Ocean, playing beach volleyball every Sunday afternoon in the park somehow became one of the defining elements of my life in La Paz. Now, at sea level and right on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, playing beach volleyball every Monday evening in Manly is becoming an anchor, a touchpoint, to each week here in Sydney. It's funny, the unlikely things that make me feel at home.

Meeting Moscow

Moscow was hot and muggy when we landed. She was temperamental – at times overcast, at times sunny.…
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Clash or conform?

Culture clash? Thankfully, I haven’t really experienced culture clash as such. I think having travelled before has helped…