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Six Spanish words that changed my faith

It's hard to explain how learning Spanish has amplified and enriched my understanding of God and the Bible. But I'll try. In this post I'll teach you six Spanish words to show you what you're missing by only reading the Bible in English.
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The worst thing about unemployment

Now that I'm more than a month into my current unemployment, I’m starting to find it all a bit overwhelming. But not for the reasons you might think. It’s 10am on a weekday and I’m sitting in a café, sipping my on-the-whole-pretty-decent large flat white, writing this. It’s not a bad life, really.
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Just another earthquake?

I didn’t think much of the earthquake, to be honest. And I’m going to be very honest about this.…
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Defrag this

In the days before I converted to Mac, defragging my PC was a standard part of my life. I…
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Easter Peace-ster

I’ve never been one for fireworks. So when she went ballistic I shrunk and tried to zen myself…
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Something about Mary

Apparently Margaret Thatcher was my hero. When I was in Year 6, each kid in our class had to nominate a female role model and I chose the Iron Lady. I don't know why I didn't pick Aung San Suu Kyi. Way cooler. And I mean, I'm possibly part-Burmese. Maybe. Meanwhile, Alex - the boy I had a crush on - chose English nurse Florence Nightingale. My heart fluttered and sighed. This guy is beautiful and deep! He chose a compassionate, determined, God-fearing woman. I chose a conservative politician (in)famous for being a hard-ass. To this day, I think Alex had the right idea. And I'm starting to think I need to have better taste in women.

Mission made possible

In honour of IJM Bolivia’s incredible month of July (4 convictions, a long-awaited arrest, 60 therapies completed, churches…
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An attempt at solitude

How do you like the idea of spending an entire workday alone to chill, pray, meditate, read, and…
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Out of Egypt

Draw me out of stormy water My first breath is marked by grace Make me someone else’s daughter Heart that doesn’t match its face There is a blueprint to my heart Chase it up my family tree Peel away this royal mask Disarmed, now trace me back to Eve Fire within and it consumes me Lift my hand, in for the kill Fire before my eyes I see Instantly the world falls still Pack my bags and leave the road Suddenly I’m homeward bound Might and mercy that was showed A destiny, a new hope found Even pain it had a purpose Rejection taught me who to trust Didn't see it at the time The diamonds being formed from dust Here before this multitude Seas will part and nations fall Incongruent heart refreshed, renewed Tuned in to the celestial call