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Under (or over) the influence

The difference between a celebrity and an influencer I’m not sure when we stopped using the word celebrity…
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The bottled water ad I keep thinking about

Cool Ridge has an ad campaign with the tagline "When you can/When you can't". It both offended and intrigued me. And it got me thinking about the ethics of bottled water and why we do (or don't) good.
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To tweet or not to tweet?

Sometimes I wish I was good at Twitter. It would be proof that I'm not just intelligent but super witty and have something to say about the state of the universe. There may be no "I" in team, but there is definitely "wit" in Twitter. If I was a tweeter, here's what I would tweet Here are a few things that have crossed my mind to tweet but never made it to the Twittersphere ...
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Converse and convert

I stumbled upon an interesting website this week. In the wake of the failed plebiscite and planned postal…
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Half-time: the benefits of alcohol

I'm halfway through my commitment to match my charitable giving with my alcohol spending. See how much I've paid for booze so far. And see which charities are going to be better off for it!
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Australia: Not the place I thought you were

The other day after work, I was flowing with the peak hour crowd down Anzac Parade, when I witnessed something awful. An Aboriginal man was heckling and shoving an East Asian man. The Indigenous guy was yelling obscenities and things like "Go back to where you came from!" to the suited up Asian guy, who was trying, literally, to shake him off. That was Awkward thing Number 1. People just watched. And did nothing. That was Awkward thing Number 2. By people, I mean mainly Asian people. The University of New South Wales appears to be predominantly Asian, even the law faculty - a contrast with the College of Law at my own alma mater. That was Awkward thing Number 3. And I did nothing because, frankly, I'm both Asian and female. I actually thought I might get hit. That was Awkward thing Number 4. It made me think about how Australia is not the place I thought it was when I was little.