ttravel It’s not your fault, Australia11 November 2015 The highest point in all of Australia sits at about the same altitude as the average for the whole…
wwork Meeting La Paz10 October 2014 Apparently I’m now living in one of the 14 finalists for the Seven New Wonder Cities of the…
ffaith Loja Reloaded: Return to the Andes22 September 2014 Hola, Lojita – nice to see you, again It’s like I never left. On the surface neither you nor…
rrandom thoughts 365 days ago today22 July 2014 This time last year I … … said goodbye to a lot of people. Too many for one…
ttravel Keep reading > 2 minute read The photos you delete anyway6 May 2014 I’ve finally gotten around to the task of going through the 12,000+ photos I took in my two years…
ffaith After the mission field: two months on24 September 2013 It was exactly two months ago that I left Loja. I shed some tears on the plane to…