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What feels like home

4,000m above sea level and 400,000m from the closest shore of the Pacific Ocean, playing beach volleyball every Sunday afternoon in the park somehow became one of the defining elements of my life in La Paz. Now, at sea level and right on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, playing beach volleyball every Monday evening in Manly is becoming an anchor, a touchpoint, to each week here in Sydney. It's funny, the unlikely things that make me feel at home.
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An attempt at solitude

How do you like the idea of spending an entire workday alone to chill, pray, meditate, read, and…
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I. It was perfect in a bittersweet way The overcast day The fresh flowers The waiting The shades of black and grey The Padre Nuestro The father’s chanting II. They ushered him through a maze of flagstones well-polished by the varnish of water and the heavy footsteps of generations of mourners. For fifty pesos a stranger sang as we showered him with rose petals and rain. Amidst her wailing and her brothers’ silent despair and the cement mixed and laid thick to immortalise him, the sky stops crying and its blue eyes blink and I, for a moment, stare into eternity, into sorrow, into loss, into hope. Avenues upon avenues of memories in this city of the departed; yards and yards of carnations doing their best to defy time - but who can resist? Grief made her embrace linger, made us angels without wings, and stranded on earth, but angels nonetheless. III. Another Padre Nuestro Another sigh Another moment without him The first of too many.

IJM Interns/Fellows: Top Ten Moments From 2014

Reproduced from the IJM Newsroom/Blog: WASHINGTON, DC, December 31, 2014 IJM teams around the world are celebrating the end of…

Today I went to jail

The concrete walls soar straight up towards the sunny sky. It’s just like a fortress should be – a…
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Dry and cold in La Paz

Seca y fría. Dry and cold. No, I’m not describing La Paz (though I could be). I’m describing…

Meeting La Paz

Apparently I’m now living in one of the 14 finalists for the Seven New Wonder Cities of the…

Bring on Bolivia!

I always knew, leaving Ecuador last year, that my time back in Australia would be an “in-between” thing,…