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Any sport will do: absurd but awesome

I love sport both on an emotional and a philosophical level. Here’s why. I love the contradictions in sport. I love how it is rational yet irrational, meaningless yet so imbued with significance, universal yet elite, aggressive and divisive yet a unifying force.
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Making those booze bucks count

Pre(r)amble Yeah, yeah, I know you were after something profound, poignant perhaps. Something about resolutions. Something fitting for…
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What have you done for the first time this year?

Five firsts for 2016 I have a friend who, at the age of 29, saw, smelled and heard the sea for the first time. And then, for his 30th birthday, he went ten pin bowling for the first time. Which got me thinking: is this what my life has come to? Is there, as Solomon laments, nothing new under the sun for me? What significant “firsts” have I experienced this year? I racked my brains and they are few but fine ...