Yeah, yeah, I know you were after something profound, poignant perhaps. Something about resolutions. Something fitting for the opening post of 2017.
However the first thing that comes to mind for me to share with you relates to alcohol.

I seem to have developed something of a reputation as an alcoholic; it began with my family but has spilled over into my friendship circles.
Not being a heavy drinker, I suspect that I simply seem to hang out with a lot of people who don’t drink.
But I digress.
All I really want to say in this post is:
This year, for every cent I spend on alcohol I will donate the same amount to charity.
That figure currently stands at $28.30 but I’m curious to see what the total will be, come 31 December 2017.
How much of my income goes to booze each year, each month, each week?
My aims in taking on this challenge are fourfold:
- To find out how much I spend on alcoholic beverages – a personal research project;
- To increase my giving;
- To be more aware of the way I consume;
- To add an extra benefit to my love of a good drink.
If you’re still reviewing your resolutions for 2017 can I encourage you to join me in this little challenge?
It doesn’t have to be alcohol – it could be coffee, clothes, movie tickets. Pick something you spend money on and commit to giving away the same amount this year to a good cause.
I’ll update you on my “progress” before the end of the financial year.
Read about how I went: