Thanks to the infamous Canberra winter, I think I have cold feet both physically and metaphorically.
I’ve just come off the back of a week of talking quite a lot about my upcoming Bolivia trip (not to mention Russia next week). I did some planning and made reservations for accommodation. I had my first farewell (work) and have been discussing several other ‘last catch-ups’. It’s really happening. Soon.
I’m starting to feel the weight of it. And so today I just really, really wanted to stay home.
By ‘stay home’ I mean stay in the house and not go out.
By ‘stay home’ I also mean stay in Canberra and not go overseas.
I knew leaving would be bittersweet, but this kinda surprised me. Back in 2010/2011 I was so ready to get out. This time around I haven’t been so eager, so excited – because I’ve been happy here back home. Life has been going at a pace I’m comfortable with. Everything is dandy.
I can do a lot for the Kingdom here; I see the possibilities now in a way I couldn’t back then …
I can do a lot here – but I can do more there.
Y’know, I did leave the house today. And I will leave Canberra in a month’s time – I’m sure my feet will feel a little warmer tomorrow 🙂