A woman paints on a canvas while a man plays guitar in the background.
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Embracing my inner artist

I have this theory: that our society tends to view being academic and being artistic as mutually exclusive.…
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Pinch yourself and hit send

One my favourite simple pleasures in life is rediscovering songs from the 90s - and in particular, the one-hit wonders. My most recent nostalgia hit is Pinch Me by the Barenaked Ladies. Remember them? Yeah! Ten years ago to the day, I posted this brief status update to Facebook (in the third person - I guess that's how we did it back in the olden days). Intriguing! So ... what was my youth all about again?
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Made to wonder: string theory and the resurrection

What does string theory have to do with the Resurrection? What's the difference between wanderlust and "wonderlust" (is that even a thing?)? Why do adverb particles matter? This Easter I really went down the rabbit hole ... String theory and the Resurrection I was listening to a podcast the other day, an interview with a physicist who was explaining the holographic principle. Based on string theory, one of the concepts is that our lived reality is two-dimensional data expressed in three dimensions. In other words, reality is a hologram. It made me think about dimensions in general. If two dimensions can express three, and it's generally accepted that we inhabit four dimensions (the fourth being time), what would 5D* projection mean? Because I'm convinced the material world isn't all there is to existence. As a person of faith, I believe we exist in more than four dimensions. But for most people - Christians, followers of other faiths and those of no faith alike - our active engagement in the fifth is limited. This Easter I was reminded that the Resurrection invites us to walk beyond the four dimensions and live a bigger, richer reality.
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The deepest dreams

I was never much of a dreamer as a kid. Forget being a princess, pilot, pop star or police officer. All I ever aspired to was to be an accountant - a short degree with strong job prospects.* I'm not even kidding. To tell you the truth, I was an unambitious and cynical child. The funny thing is that somewhere along the way into adulthood, I did start dreaming. I dreamed of changing the world. Perhaps it was born of a desire to prove that my unambitious and cynical younger self was so, so wrong. Changing the world hardly seemed a dream to me, though. In my early-to-mid-twenties, I started to appreciate that changing the world is within reach of each of us, that the smallest gesture can be a part of a bigger picture. That it doesn't have to be dramatic or headline-worthy to be, well, worthy. To count as real change. And since it was something I was already in the process of doing, it never seemed a far off reality. It never seemed far away enough to be called a dream. So whaddya know - it seems I've been living the dream. But there are also dreams I'm yet to live. These are not things I hope I manage to do before I die, nor will I feel unfulfilled if they don't happen. Far from being a bucket list, this is a set of six longings that speak to the core of who I am. I'm sharing them with you here, to encourage you to discover (if you haven't already) and reflect on your own dreams.
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Defrag this

In the days before I converted to Mac, defragging my PC was a standard part of my life. I…
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Out of Egypt

Draw me out of stormy water My first breath is marked by grace Make me someone else’s daughter Heart that doesn’t match its face There is a blueprint to my heart Chase it up my family tree Peel away this royal mask Disarmed, now trace me back to Eve Fire within and it consumes me Lift my hand, in for the kill Fire before my eyes I see Instantly the world falls still Pack my bags and leave the road Suddenly I’m homeward bound Might and mercy that was showed A destiny, a new hope found Even pain it had a purpose Rejection taught me who to trust Didn't see it at the time The diamonds being formed from dust Here before this multitude Seas will part and nations fall Incongruent heart refreshed, renewed Tuned in to the celestial call
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A novel metaphor for life 2

This post was inspired by some irony. Irony about the fact that after blogging A novel metaphor for…
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A novel metaphor for life

I am writing a novel. That is, I have been writing a novel for the last fourteen years.…