A cracked heart shape on pale blue sand, with light shining within.
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Perfection vs Redemption

I’ve struggled to write over the last month and a half. Life has been kinda hard and I…
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When life doesn’t go to plan

Recently I shared about how COVID-19 disrupted our second attempt at a honeymoon, exactly one year after it…
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The stress with the dress

When my now husband and I decided to get married, I was determined to be The Anti Bridezilla.…
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What my gut knows

The best smoothie I ever had also happens to be the most thought-provoking. Smoothies and indecision In a…
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Nomad no more

Australians boast the inglorious irony of being the best off people in this pandemic and yet we’re potentially…
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How to edit your life

It’s one thing to love writing; it’s quite another to love editing. Editing is a passion I only…
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NYE lessons from Ecuador

Australian New Year’s Eve traditions mostly involve drinking hard, watching fireworks and calling it a party. This is…
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Do what gives you life

Do what gives you life. That’s what some of my expat friends used to say, with tongue in…
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On recovering Anglicans, vegetarians and nomads

I like to say my boyfriend is a recovering Anglican. He's actually not even Anglican, he just happens to go to an Anglican church and I just happen to enjoy having a go at Sydney Anglicans. What I really mean when I say he's recovering is that he is no longer doctrinal about his faith and how he practises it - in fact, he's ardently against legalism. Similarly ...
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The seed to lead: reflections of a beta girl

I've always thought of myself as a beta kinda gal. Even as a child, it was mostly my younger sister who spearheaded our games and playing. I was 26 the first time anybody told me I had demonstrated leadership.
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Getting down and thirty

For one glorious year, I was almost-no-longer-twentysomething – but 29 is still twentysomething. Alas, those days are behind…
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10 Tips For More Meaningful Travel

What's the difference between a tourist and a traveller? And how can we have more meaningful travel experiences even while traveling for leisure? Throughout my experiences of being a tourist, exchange student, international intern and expat, I have been reflecting constantly on these questions of identity, foreignness and the assumptions bound up in the practice and concept of travel.
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Defrag this

In the days before I converted to Mac, defragging my PC was a standard part of my life. I…
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Still twentynothing

Almost-no-longer-twentysomething. That’s how I described myself a month ago. Since then, I’ve done some soul searching, some job searching…
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“You’re not 25 anymore, y’know,” my sister says. She’s being gracious. After another year abroad, I re-enter my…
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Travel delusions

Note: I was pleased and privileged to have this post published on A Life Overseas. In that process, I was…