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Chasing wonder

Concepts create idols. Only wonder grasps anything. Gregory of Nyssa This quote struck quite a chord with me…
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Made to wonder: string theory and the resurrection

What does string theory have to do with the Resurrection? What's the difference between wanderlust and "wonderlust" (is that even a thing?)? Why do adverb particles matter? This Easter I really went down the rabbit hole ... String theory and the Resurrection I was listening to a podcast the other day, an interview with a physicist who was explaining the holographic principle. Based on string theory, one of the concepts is that our lived reality is two-dimensional data expressed in three dimensions. In other words, reality is a hologram. It made me think about dimensions in general. If two dimensions can express three, and it's generally accepted that we inhabit four dimensions (the fourth being time), what would 5D* projection mean? Because I'm convinced the material world isn't all there is to existence. As a person of faith, I believe we exist in more than four dimensions. But for most people - Christians, followers of other faiths and those of no faith alike - our active engagement in the fifth is limited. This Easter I was reminded that the Resurrection invites us to walk beyond the four dimensions and live a bigger, richer reality.
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What have you done for the first time this year?

Five firsts for 2016 I have a friend who, at the age of 29, saw, smelled and heard the sea for the first time. And then, for his 30th birthday, he went ten pin bowling for the first time. Which got me thinking: is this what my life has come to? Is there, as Solomon laments, nothing new under the sun for me? What significant “firsts” have I experienced this year? I racked my brains and they are few but fine ...

On passion

This week I dipped once again into the scary whirlpool that is the job market. God’s blessed me…