Canberra, my love

Today you are stunning
warm even when you’re cold
cool even with your sunny disposition
and I get lost
in your blue sky
searching for the me in you
and the you that’s reflected
somewhere in my heart but
I think it is buried
deep and yet
however far beneath the surface
you lie, motionless, asleep
even if I were blindfolded
I’d follow
the breadcrumbs home
to your resting body
lie beside you wondering where
your dreams are taking you
but the longer I ponder
the more I’m sure
that yours is an empty, eternal sleep
where neither nightmare nor fantasy
trouble your soul
and I am a dreamer and a wanderer
that beside you I shall be
burdened by rest and
crippled by your stillness
so I pray for wings
to lift me away
from here
from you
you, who are so familiar
to my mind
and yet now so foreign
to my heart

because your beauty makes me feel alone.


Falling back into reality
It seems too sweet to be true
Something tells me I’m just passing through
Destined for another place

We were made to be so much more than we are
We were made to be different, incredible, amazing

Once you step out there’s no turning back, no going back
Once you wake up to the dream there’s no falling asleep
I was made for praising you, living to worship you
I was made to go and follow you

Finally starting to see myself
The way you’ve always seen me
Marvellous and wonderful
Are the works of your hands

We were made to be so much more than we are
We were made to be different, incredible, amazing

Once you step out there’s no turning back, no going back
Once you wake up to the dream there’s no falling asleep
I was made for praising you, living to worship you
I was made to go and follow you

You are the reason for my being
Your love is what sustains me
You open my eyes and my heart
You make this chaos so beautiful

We were made to be so much more than we are
We were made to be different, incredible, amazing

Once you step out there’s no turning back, no going back
Once you wake up to the dream there’s no falling asleep
I was made for praising you, living to worship you
I was made to go and follow you

What’s the cure for this longing in me
I was made your name to glorify

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